Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Official Time" legislation to be introduced in Congress

"And Nothing But The Truth" frequent contributor F. Vincent Vernuccio III, Esq. (son of co-host Frank Vernuccio) prepared research on the misuse of union time by federal employees.  The research impressed Rep. Ross, who is introducing related legislation.  To view Mr. Vernuccio's testimony before Mr. Ross' committee, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FQOeyOZpxk&feature=youtu.be

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

American culture under attack, continued

     The Associated Press is reporting that a  Mennonite institution, Goshen College of Indiana,  has decided to stop playing the National Anthem at sporting events, claiming that The Star Spangled Banner was too warlike.  The school had been playing only an instrumental version of the Anthem.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

American Heritage in Peril

      Two seemingly unrelated events clearly demonstrate the extraordinary peril our national heritage and culture faces.

  •        A documentary film maker was producing a film on the life of Alexander Hamilton, the Revolutionary War hero who eventually established the financial underpinnings of our nation. As part of an effort to determine the views modern day Americans hold on this giant figure in our history, the film maker sent his staff to Columbia University to question the ivy league students there.  Hamilton attended Columbia, (then called Kings College) a statue of him graces the campus, and a major building on site is called "Hamilton Hall."  Stunningly, few of the students queried could even identify Hamilton, other than a few who recognized the name from the face of $10 bills.    
  •       In San Diego, an environmental group is attempting to block this year's planned July 4 fireworks display on the grounds that it would create environmental challenges and potentially harm birds.

      For far too long, American History has not been adequately taught in our public school system.  What little is taught has frequently highlighted our past national mistakes far more than our extraordinary achievements.  The result is obvious:  students who know little and care less about the groundbreaking contributions the United States has provided to all of humanity.  Noneducational opportunities to instill pride in our country, such as patriotic displays like fireworks,  have been subjected to ridicule and attack.  

     If we lose the hearts and minds of our young, the America that has been the champion of freedom and opportunity will cease to exist.  The time has come to force the educrats who run our school systems, and the leftists who seek to dominate our culture, to cease their attack on the proud heritage and history of this nation.